
Best Practices

Assigning Homework

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Most mentees won't have trouble completing homework assignments you assign between meetings. However, if you find there is a disconnect between what you assign and what a mentee delivered, you should contact the Program Coach.  If you prefer to start with your own interventions, we've got some suggestions here.

Since mentees are still early in their academic careers, we recommend taking a cue from elementary and high school teachers, and use the following checklist to make sure they're assigning and communicating effective homework:

  • Provide detailed instructions on how you want the assignment done, listing all components (and sub components) for a complete assignment
  • Have the student explain the assignment back to you so you know they understand what is expected
  • Check that the assignment requires an appropriate amount of time to complete, given what time committment you and your mentee have agreed upon
  • Share your assessment rubric (if you use one) with your mentee so they can see exactly what you expect in a completed assignment
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