
Submission Guides

Curieux Academic Journal

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Founded in 2017, Curieux Academic Journal (“Curieux”) is a unique publication as it is run completely by students. It is a registered non-profit, and its mission is to create a platform for stellar research conducted by middle school, high school, and undergraduate students in any academic subject.

Types of Research Accepted

All academic subjects within the humanities and the sciences are accepted. The website states that Curieux accepts “all forms of academic writing including but not limited to research papers, review articles, and humanity/social science pieces.”. 

Length Requirements/Restrictions

There is a 20 page limit (1.15 spaced, Times New Roman, font-size 12).

Submission Deadlines

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, and there are twelve publications per year (one publication per month).

Requirements for Submission

General Requirements:

  1. Papers must be submitted as Google docs, and the Curieux email address must have permission to edit the document.
  2. Submissions must follow MLA citation format.
  3. You will need to choose a “publication pathway” when you submit your paper - “Fast Track” review, which has an additional fee for publication if your paper is accepted, means that you will be notified within 3 weeks of submission, while “Seasonal Review” means that you will be notified when the next issue is released.  See the submissions page for details.

Formatting Structure and Requirements:

Each Journal has its own formatting structure and requirements regarding a variety of technical factors, such as font, citations, bibliography, file naming, spacing, endnotes, illustrations, etc.  Details are included on the submissions page of the website, including an example article with detailed formatting specifications.  Please review these to see the most up-to-date rules regarding formatting and structure and to make sure you are in line with all the listed requirements as you work on your paper.


An advisor is not required to submit to Curieux

IRB Approval or Exemption Required?


Link for Submission


There is no submission fee.  However, if your paper is accepted for publication and you wish to proceed then you must pay a publication fee. There is a $250 publication fee if you selected the “Fast-Track Review” option, and there is a $200 publication fee if you selected the standard “Seasonal Review” option.


Assessment and Acceptance Process

The Curieux website explains that “after submission, manuscripts enter a peer review process in which two of our editors separately review each article and decide whether it is suitable for publication in The Curieux Academic Journal. During the process, each paper is vetted for academic integrity, factual certitude, and grammatical correctness. Once a decision is made, editors will work together to advise for admission or rejection into the journal.”  


Applicants are usually notified within 3-6 weeks - three weeks if you choose Fast Track review, and 6 weeks if you choose Seasonal review.

Past Submissions/Examples

You can view previous publications on Curieux’s website, under the Past Issues tab.

Academic Integrity and Publication Protocol

Academic protocol for publication submission dictates that you are allowed to submit to only one journal at time. Please keep this in mind when choosing a journal for publication submission and make sure that if you are considering multiple journals, that you decide on your preferred order before making your first submission.

Additional Steps

If you are interested in submitting to Curieux, this decision must be made as early as possible during your mentorship studies. Please speak to your Hugo mentor and Program Coach as soon as possible if you think you are interested in submitting to this journal.

This is a high-level summary designed to help you decide where to submit – for more details please ensure you review all of the submission requirements on the website as they can change.

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