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Every project is unique, reflecting the students' specific learning objectives and interests. Final projects range from college-level research papers to product prototypes.
Below are a few examples from hundreds of past Hugo mentored projects.
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A comparative analysis of India and China's respective responses to COVID-19 and the resulting economic impact
Paper on cancer and autoimmunity therapeutics, focusing on CAR T cells and checkpoint immunotherapy.
Design and development of a prototype of a fuel cell that valorizes carbon from the atmosphere
Review paper exploring complexities of infectious Chagas disease management and global public health
Analysis of how different countries are addressing or failing to address climate change and the important role top greenhouse gas emitters can play on the world stage
Statistical analysis and policy recommendations to combat gender discrimination for refugees entering the US
A research-based guidebook that provides useful tips and informations for high schoolers coping with anxiety
Statistical analysis and paper examining differential impacts of COVID on education and mental well-being for students with disabilities
Development and presentation of cosmetic brand mission and business code of conduct
An economic analysis of cryptocurrency's potential to provide economic relief to citizens of Venezuela and other oppressive authoritarian regimes
Project proposal for a social justice dance project raising awareness and support for dyslexic dancers
Application of machine learning algorithm to predict song genres using raw data from Spotify
A fail-safe mechanism for automated flight created using fault-injection method
Essay exploring the history and musical evolution of Detroit techno
Literature review that illuminates the complexity of the medical anthropology of diet and wellness by exploring the cultural factors affecting choices, perceptions of diet, and the role it plays in overall wellness
Photojournalistic project documenting quarantine and family life during the summer of 2020
Academic paper comparing the 2014 Ebola Epidemic in West Africa to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020
Analysis exploring how different countries will be affected by the transition to renewable energy sources
Research paper studying the economics of food insecurity in the US, including an analysis of food insecurity since the COVID pandemic, with proposed recommendations to improve food assistance programs
Academic research paper analyzing the economics of educational access
A completed CAD model, finished prototype and report for an electric vehicle designed by the student
Phone app that uses principles of emotional intelligence to help teenagers achieve more positive emotional states, impacting both their well-being and academic performance
Research paper and accompanying policy brief on the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies
Policy memo for a US Congressperson based on cutting-edge environmental science research that addresses key environmental needs of their district, including natural disasters, transportation and food supply
Paper exploring the geographical dynamics of the US equestrian economy using game theory modeling.